

A popular South Korean animated series.

Broadcast on the Leading Children’s Channels, Carousel and Multimania

Twins Ryan and Kory protect their neighborhood from villains with the help of their loyal friends, Tobots. The boys' father creates robots that can do all sorts of things from laughing to fighting. Together, Tobots and twins go through a multitude of exciting adventure. Despite the fact that the series is designed for boys from 4 to 8 years old, it managed to appeal to a wider audience. The official YouTube channel of the show has more than 320 million views.

assortment examples Tobot

KIDS BOX. Десерт с подарком

Нежная сливочно-шоколадная паста с хрустящим печеньем, ложечкой и подарком. Тоботы – команда отважных автомобилей-роботов! В коллекции 6 игрушек.

ШОКИ ТОКИ. Шоколадное яйцо с игрушкой

Тоботы – команда отважных автомобилей-роботов! В коллекции 6 игрушек. «Шоки Токи» – удивлять приятно!